Everybody deserves to be understood and seen.
Individual and Couples Counseling
Therapy is a great way to take a look at your challenges in a new way, gain insight and get unstuck so that life feels not only more manageable, but more meaningful. Alex is skilled at working with people struggling in their relationships, adjusting to parenthood, and navigating life after divorce or other life transitions.
Eating Disorders
With nearly a decade of experience treating eating disorders (and two decades of freedom from her own eating disorder), Alex holds a firm belief that real recovery is both possible and worth it.
Caregiver Support
Supporting a loved one who struggles with their own mental health can be tiring, scary, and uncertain. Alex is experienced in helping caregivers and families learn skills for communication and coping so that these relationships feel more workable and meaningful.
Clinical Consult
Community. Connection. Mentorship. Alex provides clinical consult for therapists who want to grow their skills in pursuit of being their very best.